Eden’s Gate Lawncare is a christian owned company that was incorporated in 2005, but has a a history going back to 1996 when Daryl Witkowski, started out with a push mower that he pulled behind his bike around Kouts at age 13. The business existed at that time to earn money for college while in junior high and high school. Then he went to Purdue University in 2001 after graduating high school to study turfgrass science professionally. He graduated in 2005 obtaining a B.S. in turfgrass science and a category 3b pesticide license to apply products to your lawn.
Eden’s Gate has grown since then to perform the list professional lawncare services detailed on the services tab of this website. Eden’s Gate has a mowing crew that maintains our customer’s lawns on a regular basis as well as licensed and educated applicators to perform other lawncare services at various timely intervals throughout the season. Eden’s Gate has chosen to focus primarily on turfgrass maintenance, but we may also be available to perform various other lawn and landscape related services depending on customer demand and weather conditions.
Mission of the Business
Eden’s Gate Lawncare LLC exists as a tool for God’s use in the lawncare industry to provide the highest quality service at a profitable price that is fair to the customer.
Long-Term Staff
Daryl Witkowski-Director 24 yrs (16 yrs professional) experience